Adam Whelchel has ice climbed crevasses in Alaska, trekked throughout the Himalayas, explored river caves in Thailand and Belize, and lived with indigenous peoples in East Africa. He holds degrees from University of Delaware, San Francisco State University, and University of Vermont. His interests include geo-politics, language, music, mythology, urban design, and hot sauces. Currently, Adam and his family are the reigning Colebrook Frog Jumping champion.

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy - Kenya, Africa
Community Resilience Building
475+ Communities across 14 states to date (03/2023)
Regional Frameworks for Resilience
Natural/Green Infrastructure Design
University of Delaware (2002-2006)
Ph.D. - Plant & Soil Science/Hydrology
Ecological Economics
Willingness to Pay Surveys - Risk Tradeoffs
Catalyzing Teams with Strategic Direction
Green Belt Movement - Watershed Management
Lewa Wildlife Conservancy (Kenya)
Puerto Rico Climate Adaptation Project
Urban Resilience
Greater Milwaukee Wisconsin Area (24 municipalities)
Bridgeport, Stamford, New Haven, New London (CT)
Eco-Urban Assessment and Story Map
North American Cities Resilience Network
San Francisco State University (1997-1999)
M.A. - Conservation Ecology
University of Vermont (1986-1991)
B.S. - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology
Global Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction
Partnership for Environment/Disaster Risk Reduction
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR)
U.S. National Climate Assessment

Hoover, M. and A.W. Whelchel. 2015. Tidal Marsh Classification Approaches and Future Marsh Migration Mapping Methods for Long Island Sound, Connecticut, and New York. In Tiner, R.W., Lang M.W., Klemas V.V. (Eds.). Remote Sensing of Wetlands: Applications and Advances, CRC Press, New York.
Horton, R., G. Yohe, W. Easterling, R. Kates, M. Ruth, E. Sussman, A.W. Whelchel, D. Wolfe, and F. Lipschultz. 2014: Ch. 16: Northeast. Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment, J. M. Melillo, Terese (T.C.) Richmond, and G. W. Yohe, Eds., U.S. Global Change Research Program, 16-1-nn.
Beck, M.W., B. Gilmer, Z. Ferdaña, G.T. Raber, C. Shepard, I. Meliane, J.D. Stone, A.W. Whelchel, and M. Hoover 2013. Increasing Resilience of Human and Natural Communities to Coastal Hazards: Supporting Decisions in New York and Connecticut. In Renaud, F., Sudmeier-Rieux, K., Estrella, M. (Eds.). The Role of Ecosystems in Disaster Risk Reduction. Bonn, Germany, Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction, United Nations University Press.
Whelchel A.W. and M. Beck. 2016. Decision Tools and Approaches to Advance Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in the 21st Century. In Renaud, F.G., Sudmeier-Rieux, K., Estrella, M., Nehren, U. (Eds.). Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaption in Practice. Springer Publishing Company, New York.
Poulus H.M., K.E. Miller, M.L. Kraczkowski, A.W. Whelchel, R. Heineman, B. Chernoff. 2014. Fish assemblage response to a small dam removal in the Eightmile River System, Connecticut, USA. Environmental Management, V. 54-5, pp. 1090-1101.
Syma, E.A., S. De Guise, A.W. Whelchel, J.A. MacDougald, D. Blatt. 2012. Introduction to Legal Solutions to Climate Change Adaptation in Connecticut Symposium Special Issue. Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal. Vol. 5, No. 1 pp 1-14.
Whelchel A.W. 2016. Plan for the Future: Advancing Eco-Engineering through Science, Conceptual Design, and Community Resilience Building. In Johnson, M., Bayley A. (Eds.). Coastal Change: Ocean Conservation and Resilient Communities. Springer Publishing Company, New York.

Whelchel A.W., B.G. Reguero, B. van Wesenbeeck, F.G. Renaud. 2018. Advancing Disaster Risk Reduction through the Integration of Science, Design, and Policy into Eco-engineering and several Global Resource Management Processes. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Volume 32 (2018) 29-41.
Whelchel A.W., F.G. Renaud, K. Sudmeier-Rieux, Z. Sebesvari. 2018. Advancing Ecosystems and Disaster Risk Reduction in Policy, Planning, Implementation, and Management. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Volume 32 (2018) 1-3.
Poulus, H.M., K.E. Miller, M.L. Kraczkouski. R. Heinemann. A.W. Whelchel, B. Chernoff. 2019. Dam removal effects on benthic macroinvertebrate dynamics: A New England stream case study (Connecticut, USA). Sustainability. Volume 11, 2875.
Makriyannis C., R.J. Johnston, A.W. Whelchel. 2018. Are Choice Experiment Treatments of Outcome Uncertainty Sufficient? An Application to Climate Risk Reductions. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (2018) 1–33.
Johnston R.J., C. Makriyannis, A.W. Whelchel. 2018. Using Ecosystem Service Values to Evaluate Tradeoffs in Coastal Hazard Adaptation. Coastal Management, Volume 46, Issue 4, 259-277.
Hoyland, V., White C., A.W. Whelchel. 2019. Envisioning the Possible: Developing Multi-Jurisdictional Geospatial Databases and Conceptual Designs to Advance Regional Resilience. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress Proceedings: Groundwater, Sustainability, Hydro-Climate/Climate Change, and Environmental Engineering.
Ferdaña, Z., S. Newkirk, A.W. Whelchel, B. Gilmer, and M.W. Beck 2010. Adapting to Climate Change: Building Interactive Decision Support to Meet Management Objectives for Coastal Conservation and Hazard Mitigation on Long Island, New York, USA. In Perez, A.A., B.H. Fernandez, R.C. Gatti (Eds.). Building Resilience to Climate Change: Ecosystem-Based Adaptation and Lessons from the Field. International Union for Conservation of Nature - Commission of Ecosystem Management, Series Number 9.